Friday 20 September 2013

U2 360 Full Concert - As Filmed By Fans

Ok U2 haters, ignore it's U2 - this is a complete concert, playing for over 2 hours, that consists of fan footage from shows all around the world, compiled and edited to a U2 live compilation of the tour and it's free. Unlike official tour videos, this one has the atmosphere and authenticity of actually being there, a fans eye view of the show. It's amazing and must've taken ages, hats off to you Mek Vox.

I remember 6 years ago proposing to do something similar for a well known ex Brit Pop band, only to have the idea scoffed at by the label, but yes, stolen along with other ideas and used for their tour DVD / album campaign. When I raised this, I was told very aggressively that they weren't mine and that "they aren't very original anyway". But, you know, I don't look back in anger.

Anyway, here's U22 - The Show Never Done on the website you can click to watch individual tracks, here's ("One")

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