Thursday, 31 January 2013

Sea Foam Surprise

Almost two million views, but still - if you've not seen it yet, it's worth 20seconds - don't take your eyes off the bus..

Disney's Paperman

Beautiful and very-Disney animation by Disney, would've made a fantastic music video, wouldn't it?

Posted on b3ta by Happy Toast

Monday, 28 January 2013

Prof Brian Cox's "Wonder Of The Bonerverse"

Childish, but still amusing.

John Culshaw's impression of Brian Cox is superb. Warning: Contains Gervais and his irritating laugh

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

"Goodbye HMV" (Candle In The Wind)

As seen on your most visited newspaper website tomorrow.

Thanks to David Lennon for sharing

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Moon Landing Was A Hoax. Not.

Did they fake going to the moon? Nope, not according to this chap. Interesting take on the whole conspiracy thing.. "by the late 1960's they did have the technical ability to send three men to the moon and back, they did not have the technology to fake it on video".

REM "Losing My Religion" Reworked With A Major Scale

Yes, you may have already seen this, but I wanted to post it on here so I don't lose it because its great. REM's "Losing My Religion" digitally reworked with a major scale.

Major Scaled #2 : REM - "Recovering My Religion" from major scaled on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Thursday, 10 January 2013

For All Mankind : Documentary Of Apollo 11's Mission To The Moon

Includes loads of footage and audio from the mission, commentary from those involved. I particularly like the 'bump / oomph' noise someone inside the lunar lander mutters when they finally make touchdown. It's long this, but with all the crap on TV at the moment, well worth a watch.

Posted on late last year, took me ages to find it again. Thanks to whoever it was.

Star Wars : Deaf Vadar